Author & Musings


I am a native of Tarboro, NC and currently reside in Charlottesville, VA via New York City and Los Angeles. I am a Board Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, and Reiki Master-Teacher with a passion for empowering people with relevant complementary modalities to enhance health and a sense of well-being. Besides massage and Reiki, I offer clients my hand blended essential oil formulas from my aromatherapy company, Flourish Essential Oils.™ I believe heath and happiness are birthrights of our humanity.

“ …it is not enough to be a clinician. Compassion, heart connection is necessary in all situations where healing is involved.”

Stuck is Not Your Story: I Overcame and Am Victorious

Contributing Author


Trauma is a universal wound not everyone overcomes. This is a book about those who do and the inspiration they provide to others. Stuck Is NOT Your Story: I Overcame and Am Victorious is a compilation of seemingly impossible stories where women from all walks of life are forced to do the unthinkable, to dig deep within themselves and rise above their trauma, reforged into who they want to be and who they deserve to be.

This awe-inspiring group of stories will leave you shaking your head, wondering how these women managed to grow from their issues. It is a testimonial to the rest of us, a wake-up call proclaiming that we do not have to settle. There is a better day, and it is ready for the taking.

Stuck is not your Story Billboard in Times Square!

Flourish Essential Oils Blog by Carol Quigless

Informational musings on various therapies and healing modalities through the use of aromatherapy and the holistic approach.

6 Essential Oils for Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Massage Magazine Article By Carol Quigless

If you specialize in lymphatic drainage massage, you can enhance the effectiveness of your sessions by adding aromatherapy.

By using certain essential oils to help address lymphatic stagnancy and lymphedema, you may find clients will experience less swelling in tissues, decreased body bloat, and reduced glandular or joint swelling, followed by decreased pain.

Normal Lymphatic Function

Lymph flow is important to maintaining good health, as the lymphatic system is an integral part of the immune system, bathing the body’s tissues with lymph, a clear liquid, which collects bacteria, viruses, metabolic debris and other harmful substances. Lymph is then channeled to lymph nodes, where the foreign substances are destroyed or rendered non-functional by various white blood cells, or lymphocytes. The spent lymph and debris are then collected by the circulatory system and flushed out of the body via the urinary system…READ MORE.
